
Ginseng Extract

Family Name : Araliaceae
Common Name : Ginseng
Standardized For : Upto 20% Ginsenoside by UV

Ginseng Extract

Ginseng Extract

Ginseng is a perennial plant characterized by a fleshy root and a single stalk with green oval-shaped leaves. Ginseng extract is typically derived from the root of this plant. The extract, As an herbal supplement, has long been known for its reputation of having anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antioxidant properties. It is also used in the treatment of conditions, including depression, stress, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).



Botanical Name : Panax ginseng
Common name : Ginseng
Standardized For : Upto 20% Ginsenoside by UV
Description : Light to Dark Brown Coloured Powder
Plant part used : Root
Application :  

Technical Specification

Description Light to Dark Brown Colour Powder
Identification Positive for Ginsenoside
Solubility in water NLT 60%
Loss on drying (at 105 C) NMT 5%
pH of 1%  Solution 5.0 – 7.0
Particle Size 100 % Pass through 60 mesh
Ginsenoside by UV NLT 20%
Total Plate Count NMT 5000 cfu / gm
Yeast & Mould NMT 100 cfu / gm
E. coli & Salmonella Absent
Coli forms Absent
Heavy metals NMT10ppm